Interior Decoration | Landscaping Design 

L’impetuosa e affascinante natura del promontorio di Cala Comte irrompe all’ interno dell’edificio, esprimendosi nella scelta cromatica sui toni della sabbia, delle rocce, del celeste e nella selezione di materiali naturali e autoctoni. L’intervento di Studio MILO delinea percorsi che uniscono la villa alla piscina, passando per il solarium e la zona dedicata al dining.

The contemporary style windows form a perfect frame for the rocky landscape, revealing a view of the tiny islands scattered along the coastline and the crystal clear turquoise waters. The colours and tones of this fabulous panorama are reflected in the colours schemes in the interior of the Villa.  Shades of taupe and sand with accents of aquas and blues complement the natural tones of stone and wood, materials which have been sourced locally.  Keeping in mind the objective of maximising space whilst creating a living space to reflect a relaxed and easy way of life, Studio MILO has brought together these elements by creating a flowing, continuous pathway through the villa connecting the garden, the interior living areas all the way through to the pool.