Alla Milano Design Week 2022 Scapin Collezioni ha il suo epicentro al Fuorisalone. In occasione dell’evento “Design Variantions 2022” al Circolo Filologico Milanese, abbiamo ideato, in qualità di art director del brand, l’installazione LANDED: CASTING MAGIC SPELLS che vede come protagonisti Elena Salmistraro e Matteo Cibic con prodotti inediti, nuovi cromatismi e preziose finiture.

At Milan Design Week 2022, Scapin Collezioni had its headquarters at Fuorisalone. On the occasion of the “Design Variantions 2022” event at “Circolo Filologico Milanese”, we have designed, as art director of the brand, the installation LANDED: CASTING MAGIC SPELLS that featured the new products of Elena Salmistraro and Matteo Cibic with new colors and precious finishes.

Client: Scapin Collezioni
Type: Art Direction & Set Design
Status: completed June 2022